Ok so it has been awhile since I last posted something new, but hey its finals week and times are getting busy. First of all I must say that running a business in one semester and then having to close it down is quite a task. As for the hardest part was that I am CFO, ok so not that hard but it does get kinda crazy sometimes trying to keep track of all the money and paper work, but I think I got a handle on it. Well since it’s the end of the semester it is that time to try and rush everything into one weekend, for example seeing old friends and promising to see them before they leave is a daunting task. At times I feel like that’s the best way to end a semester anyways a quick goodbye haha so it doesn’t get too emotional. So another thing that makes me really nervous this time around is that I am going to be starting my last semester at BYU-Idaho, and I am freaking out. I actually have to find a real job and everything and really grow up haha. It is funny that I thought once you left high school you were grown up, wrong, it is leaving college but I think I am ready to move on….well almost ready. But as for me I am in a good spot in life I just gotta live it up and go crazy (ok not crazy but a little off the chain).